MR. JAYANT JOSHI: In 1994, I was going through grave financial crisis, when I was referred to Dr. Prakash Joshi for the astrological guidance, after thorough study of my horoscope, he suggested me that business related to electricity, or electrical products may be very lucrative for me. So, I started taking Jobwork of Electric Meters, which was really lucrative. At present I am manufacturing electric transformers, I have my own factory.

CHIRAG VYAS: After doing B.E. with Chemical Engineering, I was not able to find suitable job for me. When I consulted Dr. Joshi for the same, he advised me to start a business related to scientific equipments and laboratory equipments. I am very much happy and successful in my business venture of laboratory equipment supplier.

AMI PANDYA: For year together, after staying in Leave and Licence houses, I had lost hope of having own house. So, I met Dr. Joshi, after reading my palm & horoscope, he told me that I would be able to purchase my own house in 2 years time. My dream came true. Today I am living in my ownership flat.

AMIT JANI: Sometime ago i consulted Dr. Joshi for my life reading, which he did very precisely and i am happy with his guidance and my life is progressing accordingly. Also i have given my consent to use this information where ever needed.

MR. STEVEN: Being an Australian, when I was puzzled about which business to start with I was told to meet Dr. Prakash Joshi in India, during my visit in India, hence, when I consulted him, he guided me to start business of water born products. Then I decided to export fish which flourished quite a lot and I could open 7 branches around the world. Thanks to Dr. Joshi

SIDDHHARTHA MANE: Myself and my friends all wanted to go in faculty of electronics, still, we consulted Dr. Joshi for proper guidance, however, Dr. Joshi consented only two of my friends for electronic career and for myself he told to prefer chemical engineering. Though, I also wanted to go for electronics. However, ultimately, I applied for both branches i.e. electronics & chemical engineering, but, I could not get admission in electronics, but my friends did got admission in electronics, & I got admission in chemical engineering.