Astrology is such a discipline wherein it is inferred that situation of different planets at the time of birth affects human being’s psychophysical setup. It is also believed that seven planet’s aspects & various configurations occurring amongst themselves effects the life events of the people as well as natural events. Sometimes in life man thinks that why certain things are happening with him ? More often than not it seems illogical & puzzling that why it happens? How it happens ? At such a juncture astrology may help to find some answers of such events.

Astrology also helps to find answers of why some people are attracted to each other or why they dislike or why them remain indifferent to someone or others? It may also possibly help to understand the success and failure of business and jobs. It could help to show probable fields of success whether in education, business or jobs. Even the probable and lucky or unlucky alphabets of business titles, company, residential buildings, partners etc. could help to solve most of the problems. Thus astrology helps to understand the problems of life with a different perspective and could help to face the challenges with new ideas.

Astrology helps us to understand deeply our all types of relationships. Whether it is business relationship, relationship with parents and children including friends and life partners, also could be understood in a better light and it also could help to create a better synergy with each other. It also helps to know whether what sort of deeds or karmas design our destiny. Finally, astrology could also help through probable remedial measures. Dr. Prakash Joshi who has the knowledge of Atharva Veda based remedial measures, which is his USP, innumerable people have taken the benefit of his such a unique knowledge.

As Dr. Joshi has a blend of 3-fold disciplines of knowledge of Astrology cum Palmistry cum Thumbology - his clients get 3 fold benefits, which is rare in Astrological world.

Disclaimer: All the above mentioned matter is only for the information & does not claim anything else whatsoever.